dating, relationships


If you can read this, or let someone read it to you, and you are sexually active – and you don't know your status or the status of your partner(s), you are at risk for HIV. Yes, YOU TOO! Woman, man...

Submitted on Jan 31, 2022

I recently "came out" with my HIV status on Facebook even though I've been quietly doing the advocacy thing in the background for a while now. Caring for my patients, using my writing, some small...

Submitted on Dec 21, 2021

I honestly can't get over how entitled and disrespectful and disappointing some Black men continue to be. You have the audacity to call me your baby to get me in bed but would not defend me if I was...

Submitted on Dec 6, 2021

For years I accepted my status but still I blamed you and never really forgave. As much as I thought I did forgive by accepting my status, it showed in my actions and my thoughts how I really felt...

Submitted on Nov 22, 2021

It's the beginning of fall now, the temperatures are beginning to get chilly and leaves are starting to change their hue. It's a season of change when we bid farewell to summer and all the good times...

Submitted on Oct 14, 2021

It's been almost four years since I contracted HIV. In the back of my mind I've always held onto a little piece of hope. Hope that the man who gave it to me would one day apologize. One day we would...

Submitted on Sep 29, 2021

I can remember meeting you at Walgreens, teaching you to text. You were such a handsome mystery… You took to me. You took me in and showed me a love I would never have imagined existed. My heart...

Submitted on Sep 23, 2021

This month marks my 9th year of living with HIV. Wow. Wait, this month marks my 9th year of living with HIV? I had to write it again because who would ever have thought I'd be here? The wild part is...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2021

Hi, my name is Sharonda Lynn. I've been HIV positive for 22 years and counting. I was first diagnosed at the age of 19 years old.

Submitted on Aug 25, 2021

It's been said to me this past weekend, "You got your karma when you got HIV, and now you have to live with the consequences by taking a pill each day to make sure your son has at least one of his parents."

Submitted on Aug 18, 2021


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