MariaHIVMejia's blog

This is a blog about our immigration nightmare and what we have been suffering in silence since 2008. Where do I start this very hard blog to write? I guess from the beginning. Many people know I was in a very loving relationship with Li for 10 years. We had normal ups and downs, but we always had each other’s backs. We respected each other, and still do, and we will forever be family.

People were surprised to see me there! More than a conference, it is a family reunion and place to network and learn, but most importantly uplift each other. I have been dealing with a lot that I will talk about in my upcoming blogs... everything from my exes reality and one of the biggest reasons why we ended our 10 year relationship, losing my father who many have read about, and the mixed emotions I am feeling, having to move all at the same time and feeling pretty isolated because of the pain and grief I feel spiritually and trying to hold everything together alone for my very first time...

I made this video to discuss the importance of women living with HIV to participate in research that affects our lives. In order for women to receive care and treatment that works for us — our bodies and our lives — we need to make our voices and needs be heard. Women are often under-represented in HIV research and always working to get a seat “at the table”. One way we can improve this is by taking surveys such as this one — which is to find out what we would be willing (or not willing) to do in order to participate in HIV cure research. Many HIV cure studies so far have only had men...

Well, where do I start? I just got back from this conference of positive women leaders from all over the USA and the islands--the biggest network of women living with HIV in the USA! Thank you to The Well Project for always taking us women to these very important conferences! I also want to thank PWN for their hard work and making my birthday special!! Thank you, Krista, for my Bday cake. Vickie was upset because she thought I was not going to get it!!! And thank you to all of the amazing women that embraced me with so much love and compassion! I was very tired from so much travel and also had...

Where do I start? AIDSWatch, as many know, is a very important conference where us activists gather and advocate for our states.

Saben que siento!! En la vida tenemos que luchar! Soy un luchadora instintiva y por naturaleza. "No es mi culpa," odio las excusas! ¿Cómo puedes pedirme que luche por ti y por tu vida, y te pido que me ayudes a ayudarte compartiendo un video sobre la situación que estás viviendo en tu país y me dices que no por el taboo. ¡Maldita sea! Estoy jodidamente cansada del auto estigma y el estigma de las sociedades en cuanto al VIH!! Es una condición humana!! Mi respuesta a eso es seguir los pasos de Act Up NY con inspiraciones de como Peter Staley!!! Ellos no aceptaron la muerte! ¡De hecho lucharon...

You know I feel that in life we have to fight! I am an instinctual fighter by nature. "I can't help it," I hate excuses!! How can you ask me to fight for you and your life, and I ask you to help me help you by sharing a video about the situation that you are living in your country and you tell me no because of taboo. God damn it!! I’m fucking tired of this self-stigma and societies’ stigma on #HIV!!! It’s a freaking human condition!! My answer to that is to follow the steps of Act Up NY with inspirations of mine like Peter Staley!!! They didn’t accept death!!! In fact they fought to the death...

Muchos artículos sobre el #vih son bien ofensivos! Nos traen más estigma, porque siempre usan tácticas de miedo! Esta es una de mis respuestas a los medios y al artículo que tiene un lenguaje bien atrasado y culpan a las personas de no tenerle miedo al VIH y que por eso contraen otras ITSs! La verdad es que algunos no respetan el virus y esto es serio. Pero, por esto tampoco se debe enseñarle a la gente que somos peligrosos! Lo que necesitamos es que todos nos empoderemos de nuestra salud y la educación! Este artículo tiene mucho lenguaje ofensivo! Los medios tienes que aprender a usar la...

Be careful! I have been living with this virus for 29 years and I continue to see HIV/AIDS denialists (people who don’t believe that HIV exists) are still everywhere! There are even some doctors and scientists that are HIV denialists, and try to trick people into thinking they don’t really have HIV, and get them to stop taking their medications. These are the same types of people that don’t believe 9/11 happened, or that other viruses like hep C or herpes exists either! I have seen these doctors use a few lines that labs put in fine print in tests (to cover themselves in any case) and they...

¡Ten cuidado! He estado viviendo con este virus durante 29 años y sigo viendo a negacionistas del VIH / SIDA (personas que no creen que el VIH existe) ¡siguen en todas partes! Incluso hay algunos médicos y científicos que son negacionistas del VIH, y tratan de engañar a la gente para que piense que realmente no tienen el VIH, y que dejen de tomar sus medicamentos. Estos son los mismos tipos de personas que no creen 9/11 sucedió, o que otros virus como hepatitis C o herpes existe tampoco! He visto a estos doctores usar unas pocas líneas que los laboratorios ponen en letra pequeña en las pruebas...