treatment advocacy


I attended the International Workshop on HIV and Women 2023 virtually on February 17-18. I love attending conferences in person, there's nothing like the experience and energy of those in-person...

Submitted on: Mar 3, 2023

My lovely people, today I want to share my opinion on PrEP (Pre Exposure Prophylaxis). I know that PrEP is a pill that prevents a person from getting HIV infection. PrEP is scientifically proven to be effective for women.

Submitted on: Feb 24, 2023
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The 24th biennial International AIDS Conference took place from the end of July into the beginning of August this year, and I was happy to have been able to attend.

Submitted on: Aug 17, 2022

Tip: Can't nobody take your voice. It's yours. I mean, people always have the choice of ignoring you. But that doesn't mean shut up.

Submitted on: Jun 23, 2022

After putting it off for the last couple of years because of Covid and moving, and my anxiety around doctors and fearing bad news, I have finally begun catching up with my well appointments. I ALWAYS...

Submitted on: Apr 18, 2022
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I attended the virtual USCHA conference this year put on by NMAC, supported by too many sponsors to name and I want to start by saying this: I love us. "Us" as in the HIV community.

Submitted on: Dec 8, 2021

For many of us living with HIV and coexisting with HIV, December 1 is every day! It is a date to celebrate and a date to commemorate.

Submitted on: Dec 3, 2021

My birthday month, November, had a great start by doing what I like most, giving my HIV activism a boost. Between 4-7 November I was in Istanbul for a face-to-face 'Skills Training to Empower Patients...

Submitted on: Nov 12, 2021

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be transgender? Living with HIV? In the rural South? Each of these issues alone can be challenging. Together, they are my reality—and it's crucial for...

Submitted on: Sep 29, 2021

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume something. Don't get mad if I'm overstepping or overstating. I know it doesn't apply to everyone, but it's common enough. It's just a little something that I...

Submitted on: Aug 6, 2021

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