Infant Feeding and HIV

Breast/chestfeeding is considered the healthiest infant-feeding option for the general population. The Well Project has grown to be a leading provider of evidence-based, community-centered information to support parents living with HIV in their infant-feeding decision-making.


On a recent episode of TheBody's Instagram Live series “At Home With,” The Well Project executive director Krista Martel talks with Charles Sanchez about what our organization is up to.

Deciding how to feed your infant can be confusing for parents living with HIV. Read more about benefits and challenges of breast/chestfeeding.

Browse a collection of materials and video discussions, curated for healthcare professionals, from our comprehensive, multi-tiered effort to increase knowledge around breast/chestfeeding and HIV.

HIV treatment guidelines provide a lot of useful health information. Learn more about specific guidelines for people living with HIV who wish to become pregnant, are pregnant, or have given birth.

So, if you remember my last blog, I shared my pregnancy news and my plans to breastfeed my baby. Well, I breastfeed, it didn't last long though, but let's get into this short story.

See a list of health and service providers who are knowledgeable and affirming of parents' choices around infant feeding and HIV.

Ashley shared a message for others living with HIV who want to breastfeed: "Fully advocate for yourself and for what you want to do with your child."

The Well Project compiled all our programs (including fact sheets, presentations, and more) on the crucial topic of infant feeding and HIV in this new resource page.

I am here to share the great news that I'M EXPECTING!!! Of course, some of you reading this may have known that already, LOL!

This comprehensive, multi-tiered project expands upon our efforts to increase knowledge and expand access to information around breast/chestfeeding and HIV.

I want to blog for A Girl Like Me because it is the most encouraging combined force of powerful women, people and allies, speaking out and showing solidarity.

Recently, I had the extreme pleasure of attending the 2023 Motown Experience: Birth & Breastfeeding Conference hosted by the Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association in Detroit, MI.

For the second year in a row, The Well Project and the National Clinician Consultation Center co-hosted the Annual Perinatal HIV Roundtable. Esteemed panelists, in conversation with one another, discussed how their organizations plan to adjust to, address, and implement the new HIV and infant feeding guidance.

I don't know what came over me. Here I am, an unsure, brand new mom living with HIV, holding my newly born baby in my arms, and something kept telling me, "Just do it. Just tell them." The nurse asked me if I needed anything else before she left. Here's my chance. "The risk of HIV transmission from...

Physician Lealah Pollock, M.D., and advocate Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin explain how recent changes to U.S. perinatal HIV guidelines reveal an important shift in how we fundamentally approach the clinician-patient relationship with pregnant and infant-feeding people who are living with HIV.

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