domestic violence, abuse


I left home when I was 14 and I started drinking and doing drugs. I always felt like 'less' than other girls. I'd get blood tests since I was sexually active, even if I wasn't having sex all the time. I lived with the fear of sexually transmitted diseases. There were times when I would go back home and my family always greeted me lovingly.

Submitted on Oct 24, 2022

Hello! I'm Kenya. I'm 28 years old, married, I have three daughters, and yes, I am HIV positive. I was diagnosed four years ago, and I'm still standing, fighting, moving forward, and even with all the stones along my upward path, my tireless feet continue to climb! But it wasn't always like this...

Submitted on Oct 4, 2022

¡Hola! Soy Kenya, de 28 años de edad, casada, con 3 hijas, y sí, soy VIH positiva. Hace 4 años fue que me detectaron y sigo en pie, luchando, dándole para adelante, con muchas piedras en cuesta arriba de mi camino, ¡pero con unos pies incansables para seguir subiendo! Aunque, no siempre fue así...

Submitted on Oct 4, 2022

The pain in her eyes, the love in her smile. She makes a room move, her energy is just that smooth. She has gave till she can't give, she has loved till she wants to stop, but that is not optional.

Submitted on Jun 9, 2022

In acknowledgement of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, we have compiled selections from The Well Project's collection of resources and personal stories addressing mental health for women living with HIV.

Submitted on May 17, 2022

I honestly can't get over how entitled and disrespectful and disappointing some Black men continue to be. You have the audacity to call me your baby to get me in bed but would not defend me if I was...

Submitted on Dec 6, 2021

For many of us living with HIV and coexisting with HIV, December 1 is every day! It is a date to celebrate and a date to commemorate.

Submitted on Dec 3, 2021

Para muchas de las personas que vivimos con VIH y que conviven con VIH, el 1 de diciembre es todos los días!

Submitted on Nov 30, 2021

My name is Maria Mejia and this is my story with HIV! I kept my HIV diagnosis a secret from almost everyone for nearly 20 years. Diagnosed at 18 in 1991 and contracted HIV at the age of 15 in 1988, I...

Submitted on Oct 11, 2021

It's been said to me this past weekend, "You got your karma when you got HIV, and now you have to live with the consequences by taking a pill each day to make sure your son has at least one of his parents."

Submitted on Aug 18, 2021


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