

Recently one of my blogs was shared on Facebook about me going back to online dating after finding out my positive status.

Submitted on Nov 1, 2019

When I was 27 years old I became pregnant with my daughter. After my first prenatal visit, I found out I was HIV positive.

Submitted on Oct 31, 2019

Navigating relationships with HIV can be tricky. How do you meet a person? How do you decide when or if you should disclose your HIV status? The biggest question is: Will I be rejected or not? I have...

Submitted on Oct 17, 2019

Since I've announced my status to the world my life has literally been an open book. From strangers to associates I haven’t seen or spoken to in years, people asking me questions, personal or just...

Submitted on Oct 7, 2019

It's hard to explain how my feelings are towards having HIV. I try not to think about it in a negative way and yes, plenty of people say it's not a death sentence like people try to make it seem. But...

Submitted on Oct 1, 2019

Living with HIV for the past 12 years has been full of ups and downs.

Submitted on Sep 24, 2019

Princess Diana once said. "HIV does not make people dangerous to know. You can shake their hands and give them a hug. Heaven knows they need it." When people hear "HIV" they automatically think of...

Submitted on Sep 23, 2019

I remember the first 10 minutes after I hit upload from my phone to tell the whole world of YouTube that I had been living with HIV. I was so nervous, happy, scared and free. I know - a lot of...

Submitted on Sep 19, 2019

What I'm going to do with this test is turn it into a testimony, my testimony. So yes, I am 24 years old with HIV. Yes, I have to wake up every day and take medicine. But other than that, what has...

Submitted on Sep 13, 2019

Think about a world where everyone is positive. I mean you can only imagine right? Lately I've been just to myself not really going out and hanging out and wanting to be around others - well maybe a...

Submitted on Sep 10, 2019


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