finding balance


I am the first deputy director for The Well Project and would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I identify as a Mexican mujer, immigrant, and a Southern California girl through and through. I am the mother of a 3-year old ray of sunshine, a loving and loved spouse, a sister, and an eldest daughter. I am also a lifelong survivor of HIV.

Submitted on Oct 12, 2022

Who told God I was that tough? I'm really not though. I've been through a lot of stuff in my life. A lot I have yet to share. Right now I'm going through one of the toughest battles I've endured.

Submitted on Oct 11, 2022

Hello! I'm Kenya. I'm 28 years old, married, I have three daughters, and yes, I am HIV positive. I was diagnosed four years ago, and I'm still standing, fighting, moving forward, and even with all the stones along my upward path, my tireless feet continue to climb! But it wasn't always like this...

Submitted on Oct 4, 2022

¡Hola! Soy Kenya, de 28 años de edad, casada, con 3 hijas, y sí, soy VIH positiva. Hace 4 años fue que me detectaron y sigo en pie, luchando, dándole para adelante, con muchas piedras en cuesta arriba de mi camino, ¡pero con unos pies incansables para seguir subiendo! Aunque, no siempre fue así...

Submitted on Oct 4, 2022

After three long years of fearing to gather together, grinding all conferences and in-person events to a halt, condemning us all to a life of isolation and social distancing, at long last life has...

Submitted on Oct 3, 2022

La tradición de contar historias siempre ha sido una práctica sagrada y catártica para que las mujeres compartan experiencias y expresen emociones. La seguridad que brinda una comunidad crea un ambiente propicio para el compañerismo e intercambio con otras mujeres que han vivido experiencias similares.

Submitted on Sep 27, 2022

Last weekend I got the pleasure to present at the Let's Talk About Sex Conference out in Dallas, Texas with Olivia Ford.

Submitted on Sep 20, 2022

Dear young person who has gone public... Take it easy on yourself. Don't be hard on yourself. Do practice self-love. When I went public with my status, I received overwhelming response from young...

Submitted on Sep 19, 2022

As part of a collaboration with our longtime partner organization Christie's Place, The Well Project shares stories in English and Spanish from the book Healing Hope: A woven tapestry of strength and solace as blog entries on our A Girl Like Me platform under the blog name "Healing Hope."

Submitted on Sep 16, 2022

The moon is shining beautifully in its full phase lighting up the night sky, and a steady warm breeze blows as I walk across white, shifting sand to the gentle crashing of waves. Before me is the vast...

Submitted on Sep 2, 2022


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