HIV side effects, treatment


You don't have to go through having HIV or AIDS alone. Even if you don't have them, create your own extended family.

Submitted on Feb 28, 2024

I started to realize that I wasn't the only person in this situation and that maybe we all lived under very different circumstances, but we all lived in the same situation.

Submitted on Jan 23, 2024

Me fui dando cuenta que no era la única en esta situación, a lo mejor teníamos diferentes circunstancias con las otras mujeres, pero vivíamos en la misma situación.

Submitted on Jan 23, 2024

It doesn't have to be perfect to be just right. If not art, some hobby or venture that allows you to be in a moment that is not tied to HIV, or responsibility to anyone but yourself.

Submitted on Jan 11, 2024

Having navigated the challenges of living with HIV, I've experienced firsthand the stigma and misconceptions surrounding this virus.

Submitted on Dec 21, 2023

It doesn't matter how you became positive; what matters is how you live your positive life.

Submitted on Nov 15, 2023

It's crucial to recognize that HIV doesn't discriminate based on gender identity, yet society often does.

Submitted on Nov 13, 2023

Es crucial reconocer que el VIH no discrimina según la identidad de género, pero la sociedad a menudo sí.

Submitted on Nov 13, 2023

In this profound journey through the shadows, I've witnessed the evolution of our complex relationship with HIV and our quest for healing – my mother's and mine.

Submitted on Oct 6, 2023

It is September 25th, 2023. This day marks my 11th year of knowing that I'm living with HIV.

Submitted on Sep 25, 2023


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