Fighting Facial Lipoatrophy with Reconstructive Surgery

Body shape changes

Facial lipoatrophy, or facial wasting, is a condition that often affects men and women who are HIV positive. While its causes are not yet well understood, many medical professionals are currently working on treatments to reverse or mitigate the effects of this condition.

What Is Facial Lipoatrophy?

Facial lipoatrophy is a complicated name for fat loss in the face. The fat deposits in the face are redirected to other parts of the body, leading to a gaunt, skeletal appearance. Though no one knows what causes this condition, most indications point to treatment with the antiretroviral drugs that are used to treat HIV.

While lipoatrophy isn’t dangerous to a patient’s health, it can be extremely detrimental to their self-esteem and confidence. Many patients feel like it singles them out, or puts a mark of their condition on their face. This can lead to negative psychological effects, including depression and anxiety.

Reconstructive Surgery

One of the newest options available to reverse the effects of facial lipoatrophy is reconstructive surgery. Dermal fillers are the most common treatment option. These fall into four categories:

  1. Fat transplants – transferring fat from the patient’s own body to replace the fat that has wasted away from the facial area. This is not always an option, because the patient may not have body fat to spare.
  2. Fascian/Collagen – This injectable treatment is made from cadaver tissue, but only offers temporary relief since it is absorbed by the body.
  3. Synthetic Injections – Silicone or a synthetic polyurethane known as GORE-TEX can be used for dermal fillers. They last a great deal longer than fat transplants or cadaver tissue, but can also slip out of place.
  4. NewFill – A synthetic treatment crafted of polylactic acid. It is one of the best options for many patients because it does not pose any allergy risk, and breaks down into lactic acid, which is naturally produced by the body after exercise. This option is brand new and has not made it into many markets yet.

Insurance Options

Currently, most insurance plans still consider dermal fillers a cosmetic procedure. A single treatment with NewFill, for example, can cost up to $1,500 out of pocket, placing it out of reach for many. It can require from two to six visits to complete an effective treatment.

As of 2010, Medicare and Medicaid do offer some coverage for facial wasting treatments, but that only covers a portion of the people who may be affected by facial lipoatrophy and its detrimental physical and psychological effects.

Moving Forward

More and more treatment options are becoming available for patients who suffer from facial lipoatrophy. As they become more readily available and new, more effective treatments reach the market, medical professionals and insurance companies need to work on making these fantastic treatments available to everyone who needs them. Patients who are HIV positive carry enough of an invisible stigma on their shoulders, so there’s no reason to force them to wear it on their faces as well. Dermal fillers and other similar reconstructive surgeries are becoming an easily accessible way to mitigate the effects of facial wasting.