WAD Hope and Expectations


Since being diagnosed in 2016, regardless of living in silence or loud and proud, I've tried attending anything related to HIV here in Fort Myers / SWFL and each time I was surprised at the limited number of attendees, given the fact that there are "1.3 million people living here" (sefleda.com)

With our World AIDS Day, WAD, celebration coming up on 11/23, I sit back and reflect on my hopes and dreams for this area and how HIV and those living with it would be supported. How HIV may be normalized and not viewed as this taboo, something that doesn't affect us all, when in reality it does. Whether living with HIV or not, and with so many people living in silence, we are all truly impacted even if we do not realize it.

To read this blog in its entirety, click here.

A Girl Like Me




Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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