Destiny123's blog

What does it mean to Love Yourself? I used to ask myself this question. I would look into the mirror and still could not figure out how to really love myself. When you're filled with so much anger and hurt, how do you love yourself? Once I made up my mind to accept things I could not even change, and accept ME for ME, then I began the healing process and Loved myself unconditionally. Yes, it's hard and can be a big challenge. I've been there before, but I tell people all the time the best feeling in the world is to Love yourself for who you are. Having this condition, HIV, I thought I was ugly...

Hello! My name is Monique Howell-Moree. I am a mother of 3 boys and a wife. I currently reside in South Carolina. I am an author of my first book, "Living inside My Skin of Silence" and the founder of Monique’s Hope for Cure Outreach Services, where my organization provides assistance for those Living with HIV and provides different classes and services even to those who are not infected. I believe that by being a blogger for A Girl Like Me, I can help reach out to those who may feel lost and alone. I always was the type of lady who loved to uplift others so this will allow me to do so in a...