pregnancy, HIV+ mothers, family


HIV/AIDS activist, advocate, mother, and wife born with HIV, Kimberly grew up unaware that she was living with HIV until a week before her 10th birthday. Both of her parents passed from AIDS...

Submitted on Sep 17, 2022

This blog was not easy to write… Yes, HIV took my motherhood… Back in those times when I was diagnosed, we had no medicine. At least, I didn't have any access to treatment in Colombia, my country...

Submitted on Aug 31, 2022

I am understanding the trauma I have experienced and how it has affected me. I have done nothing wrong, there is no one to blame. Life circumstances create opportunities for personal growth.

Submitted on Aug 31, 2022

I have been mostly isolated with my HIV status and now welcome my commitment of integrating life experience to be an advocate voice to end HIV stigma.

Submitted on Aug 12, 2022

The Well Project is infuriated and devastated by the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, which has provided constitutional protection for abortion rights for nearly 50 years.

Submitted on Jun 24, 2022

Tip: Can't nobody take your voice. It's yours. I mean, people always have the choice of ignoring you. But that doesn't mean shut up.

Submitted on Jun 23, 2022

The pain in her eyes, the love in her smile. She makes a room move, her energy is just that smooth. She has gave till she can't give, she has loved till she wants to stop, but that is not optional.

Submitted on Jun 9, 2022

On Sunday May 15th I had the absolute pleasure of being able to attend the first in-person AIDS Walk in New York City since Covid first began. I'm so glad it's back.

Submitted on May 24, 2022

Today marks my 34 year battle with HIV! I never thought I would make it this far! Thank you to all that have helped me and taught me in this journey to be a better human being.

Submitted on Apr 18, 2022

¡Hoy es el aniversario con mi batalla de 34 años con el VIH! ¡Nunca pensé que llegaría a vivir tantos años con esta condición humana!

Submitted on Apr 18, 2022


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