South Africa

I'm a 25 year old single mother and an IT professional. I was born, bred and buttered in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am a co-founder of a youth group called Direct Devine Connection Club (D2Csquared). I hate seeing other people suffer, and try by all means, with all I have, to change our generation one child at a time. I worked with HIV+ women while at university but as soon as I moved back home I stopped because my family felt it was shameful to them. I have three great loves: 1) Food, 2) Books and 3) Art.

Why Dikeledi wants to be a part of A Girl Like Me: I have been alone, scared and confused (and still am from time to time). It was my small (3) network of HIV+ women that kept me going. They didn't do much, they just shared their struggles with me and I shared mine with them. And after their deaths I made it my mission to help other women with their struggles.