dating, relationships


My name is Joy, I am 32 years old, a mother to a handsome 4 year old boy and HIV positive. I live in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. It all started about 8 years ago when after finishing...

Submitted on May 12, 2011

After enduring so much stigma from people who claim to love and want what's best for me... I unconsciously began to stigmatise myself. Which I see now is the worst form of stigma. I forgot who and...

Submitted on Mar 29, 2011

Love, how beautiful it is! This is so important for people living with HIV/ have someone who loves you for you and can see past the illness, that is if they are negative..I am very blessed...

Submitted on Mar 18, 2011

I am trying something new. I am taking time for me. I have a family that needs me and a job that is very demanding. I am finding myself resenting all of them. I love my family, but I really needed a...

Submitted on Feb 25, 2011


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