Community Support



The heart of any community is its people and their ability to connect. One of The Well Project's primary goals is to create and sustain a secure, supportive, and trusted space we all share. To that end, The Well Project fosters a strong and engaged global network and community of women living with HIV across the gender spectrum.

The goals of The Well Project's A Girl Like Me blog are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a community of support.

La meta del blog Una chica como yo de The Well Project es ayudar a normalizar el VIH; y crear un espacio seguro para mujeres que viven con el VIH alrededor del mundo, para que hablen y cuenten sus experiencias entre ellas mismas y con las que buscan una comunidad de apoyo.


A Girl Like Me LIVE logo.

A Girl Like Me LIVE! is an interactive series created to advance health and wellness education among women living with and vulnerable to HIV. The Well Project program manager Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin chats with a variety of co-hosts about key topics in our communities. Each episode is streamed live to our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Stay Well at Home with The Well Project logo with link to

In an early response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Well Project launched Stay Well at Home to address the extraordinary and challenging times we found ourselves in. This bi-weekly video/chat series featured women living with HIV sharing positive approaches to help navigate isolation and foster connection.

Use the features of The Well Project's website to engage with us and other members. Create and share a profile, follow other members, comment on blogs and groups, or even start your own group. We are excited for you to make this space your community!


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