Resource Highlights by Topic

The Well Project produces and maintains resources on a wide range of topics related to women and HIV. In recent years we have paid particular attention to the focus areas outlined below, developing evidence-based content and hosting expert conversations and other engagements in alignment with our organization’s mission, vision, and values.

People are acquiring HIV at older ages - and living longer, fuller lives with HIV – than ever before. Browse this collection of dynamic resources, powerful personal narratives, and news items by, for, and about women across the gender spectrum who are aging with HIV.

Breast/chestfeeding is considered the healthiest infant-feeding option for the general population. The Well Project has grown to be a leading provider of evidence-based, community-centered information to support parents living with HIV in their infant-feeding decision-making.

There are many thousands of adults living with HIV today who acquired HIV at birth or as young children. They are lifetime survivors of HIV (also known as Dandelions) – with issues that are similar to older long-term survivors who have lived with HIV since its earliest days, as well as their own unique concerns.

Living with HIV for a decade or more – and particularly during the earliest days of the HIV pandemic – is a unique and complex life experience.

Women living with HIV across the gender spectrum are more likely than women in the general population to experience challenges to their mental health.

Racism and other intersecting biases underpin the ongoing HIV pandemic. These materials explore ways that systems of oppression impact the lives and experiences of women living with HIV and with reasons for HIV prevention – and how Black and brown communities are responding.

People living with HIV can, and do, have healthy pregnancies and give birth to children who are not living with HIV. They may also choose not to experience pregnancy. The Well Project's materials and programs offer a wealth of information about these experiences for women living with HIV across the gender spectrum.

Despite the key role of sex in women’s well-being, sexual and reproductive health are too often disconnected from HIV. The Well Project's materials and programs affirm the importance of pleasure, sex positivity, and reproductive justice for women living with HIV across the gender spectrum.

"Undetectable Equals Untransmittable" ("U=U") refers to the fact that when a person living with HIV is taking HIV drugs and their viral load stays very low, they cannot transmit HIV to a sexual partner. The Well Project works to ensure that women living with HIV benefit from this life-changing information.

There are many intersecting biases and inequities that can make life – and healthcare access – challenging for women of transgender experience (trans women) in many societies. These resources by, about, and featuring trans women highlight facts, insights, and voices from trans communities.


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