Sexual Health and Pleasure

Despite the key role of sex in women’s well-being, sexual and reproductive health are too often disconnected from HIV. The Well Project's materials and programs affirm the importance of pleasure, sex positivity, and reproductive justice for women living with HIV across the gender spectrum.


SHE/HER/THEY (Sexual Health Education/HIV Empowerment Resources/Treating HIV Equally) is an educational outreach initiative focused on improving engagement in care, health outcomes, and well-being for women living with and vulnerable to HIV while promoting language justice and holistic wellness through a non-stigmatizing lens.

Providers can normalize HIV and integrate prevention into efforts to support women's overall health. Browse this resource for talking points and shareable infographics to help inspire and guide these crucial conversations. 

Women Like Us – Aging Positively focuses on increasing overall health and wellness among women aging with HIV by increasing social connectedness and access to relevant health information.

Helmed by The Well Project’s Bridgette Picou, LVN, ACLPN, The SHE is Women's Conference created a safe space for women living with HIV of all genders, providers, and allies to build community, learn skills, and have fun.

Watch a special A Girl Like Me LIVE in commemoration of National HIV Testing Day, which delves into the diverse narratives and experiences of women living with and vulnerable to HIV.

Get basic information on what safer sex is and is not, how to practice different forms of safer sex, and tips on thinking things through ahead of time.

This year for National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (#NWGHAAD), The Well Project presented a powerful discussion on sex, pleasure, and PrEP. Watch now!

Learn about GYN care, what to expect with breast and pelvic exams, questions to ask your provider, and more.

Many complex factors affect women's health beyond HIV. Learn about reproductive justice, the role of pleasure, and other related ways of thinking about people's sexual and reproductive lives.

Sex and intimacy were robbed from me such a long time ago that I've forgotten how beautiful and miraculous my own body as a woman is.

Living with HIV, my biggest fear isn't the virus itself; it's the fear of losing control over my own narrative.

Love has a curious way of defying our expectations and leading us down uncharted paths. My journey with Maximo is a testament to this unpredictability, a story of love, acceptance, and personal growth that challenged my beliefs and ultimately enriched my life.

Oral sex can be safe and fun! Get basic facts about the chances of getting HIV from oral sex, and tips for safer oral sex.

My decision to openly share my HIV status at the age of 23 was not about seeking attention but about filling a critical gap in the conversation.

On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, The Well Project held the 29th episode of A Girl Like Me LIVE for a discussion on women, sexuality, and HIV co-hosted by Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and community advisory board member Marnina Miller.

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