
Flyer for event.

By definition, an advocate is a person who takes steps to support or recommend a particular cause or policy. For many, getting started is the hard part.

Logos for The Well Project and USCHA.

If you are attending USCHA 2024 in New Orleans, be sure to visit The Well Project's booth in the exhibit hall and check out sessions featuring members of our staff.

Kimberly Canady with logos for AIDS 2024 and The Well Project.

"The best part of being able to sit on the panel … was the fact that I was able to talk about women's health, sex, and pleasure," writes The Well Project community advisory board member Kim Canady of her experience speaking at AIDS 2024.

Louise Vallace with logos for AIDS 2024 and The Well Project.

Read about how The Well Project blogger Louise Vallace found mindfulness practice after her HIV diagnosis, and watch a webinar version of her presentation on the topic from AIDS 2024.

Kimberly Canady with logos for AIDS 2024 and The Well Project.

"I found myself about to give up and not write anything – until I found myself in the Global Village," writes community advisory board member Kimberly Canady of her experience in Munich, Germany, at AIDS 2024.

Louise Vallace with logos for AIDS 2024 and The Well Project.

"[My] takeaways from the Silver Zone include being kind to oneself, embracing the wisdom that menopause brings, and recognizing that I am enough just as I am," writes Louise Vallace, The Well Project blogger and new community advisory board member, on the ground at AIDS 2024.

Collage showing logos for various HIV conferences and The Well Project logo.

The Well Project had a brisk presence at conferences around the US this spring, which included opportunities to present on our program areas, share our materials, and network with partners and other allies and friends.

Olivia G. Ford and logos for The Well Project and International Workshop on HIV & Women.

Read about or watch an impassioned, informative presentation by South Africa-based colleague Natasha Davies, MD, making a powerful case for providers to build trust with parents living with HIV around infant-feeding discussions.

Detail from The Well Project Survey Report on Breastfeeding and HIV.

Groundbreaking infant-feeding updates in the US Perinatal HIV Clinical Guidelines have led healthcare providers to report significantly increased support for birthing parents living with HIV who are interested in breast/chestfeeding, The Well Project reports.

Cover of POZ FOCUS magazine with Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Masonia Traylor.

In a feature for POZ Focus, The Well Project's Ci Ci Covin and Masonia Traylor share their story of friendship and fighting for their health.


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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