HIV diagnosis


My name is Johana Quesada and I am a stay at home mom, HIV activist, artist and breathwork facilitator based in Dallas, Texas.

Submitted on Feb 3, 2023

As part of a collaboration with our longtime partner organization Christie's Place, The Well Project will be sharing stories from their book "Healing Hope: A woven tapestry of strength and solace" as...

Submitted on Jan 30, 2023

El primer relato es la historia de los eventos que me provocaron traumas antes de mi diagnóstico. Comienza en el ambiente en el que nací y cómo este generó las oportunidades para que me ocurrieran experiencias traumáticas a temprana edad.

Submitted on Jan 30, 2023

Ashley Nicole Richardson is a young African American Woman with an ambition like none other. Ashley has always had a passion for helping those in her community.

Submitted on Jan 5, 2023

I am a 59-year-old woman. Almost 8 months ago I received an HIV-positive diagnosis. Unexpected, surprising, incomprehensible, and unfair. With these four adjectives I can describe that first impact that the diagnosis generated in me.

Submitted on Nov 9, 2022

To read in English, click here. Soy una mujer de 59 años. Hace casi 8 meses recibí el diagnóstico de HIV positivo. Inesperado, sorpresivo, inentendible e injusto. Con estos cuatro adjetivos puedo...

Submitted on Nov 1, 2022

Me salí de mi casa a la edad de 14 años y empecé con alcohol y drogas. Siempre me sentí inferior a las demás. Desde mi actividad sexual me hacía estudios de sangre, aunque mis relaciones no fuesen constantes. Ya existía en mí el temor a una enfermedad de trasmisión sexual. Había ocasiones que regresaba a casa y mi familia siempre me recibía con amor y podía sentir su tranquilidad cuando me veían llegar, pero yo fallaba cada que mi ansiedad volvía.

Submitted on Oct 24, 2022

I left home when I was 14 and I started drinking and doing drugs. I always felt like 'less' than other girls. I'd get blood tests since I was sexually active, even if I wasn't having sex all the time. I lived with the fear of sexually transmitted diseases. There were times when I would go back home and my family always greeted me lovingly.

Submitted on Oct 24, 2022

Following our trip to California, I continued mourning my life before HIV. In the midst of the daily funerals I would have for my "old self," I was still waiting, and in some ways hoping (praying) that this was not my reality.

Submitted on Oct 18, 2022

Hola, mi nombre es Samantha Rose Montemayor Morales. Soy una orgullosa mujer trans latina de color que ha estado viviendo con el VIH desde el 28 de junio de 2010.

Submitted on Oct 15, 2022


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