A Girl Like Me

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A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women ( cis and trans ) can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

Interested in blogging with A Girl Like Me? Fill out an application here!


My lovely people, a lot of good things have happened these past days in Gihanga! To celebrate World Aids Day 2022, Inyambo Stars together with RBP+ (an association of People living with HIV) organized the "Stop HIV stigma show" in...

The flood gates have opened and I've FINALLY had the opportunity to attend USCHA, something I've longed for since shortly after my diagnosis in 2016. Before I continue, let me say, I'm so sorry this is long overdue, but the...

Growing up there were no stories about the birds and the bees, periods or HIV. These conversations were never had with my parents and so the cycle continued. This is a common theme among families of minority descent and mine...

I am a 59-year-old woman. Almost 8 months ago I received an HIV-positive diagnosis. Unexpected, surprising, incomprehensible, and unfair. With these four adjectives I can describe that first impact that the diagnosis generated in me. It was as if the...

As the days continue to get shorter and darker, accessing my resilience is the practice that reminds me I am whole, lovable, safe, and worthy of family, community, and connection. Living from the place of hope that humanity cares and...

After five years absence, this year I was finally able to visit my Motherland Burundi again. My big dream was to rejoin the school children, parents and teachers in my village Murira, part of the commune of Gihanga. I really...

Hi, So I recently gave birth to my first child. I experienced the stigma at every turn with OBs, the hospital I delivered at, and now my pediatrician. It seems difficult to find the support I deserve in Phoenix. I...

59 year old woman, sociologist, yoga instructor, and naturally curious. With a high sense of loyalty and seeking to live and act with purpose. Why Flor de Loto wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: Because I believe...

I left home when I was 14 and I started drinking and doing drugs. I always felt like 'less' than other girls. I'd get blood tests since I was sexually active, even if I wasn't having sex all the time...

I remember attending USCHA in 2016 and feeling out of place, unsure of my next moves, and feeling defeated in all aspects of my life. I remember being ready to give up and walk away from HIV work FOREVER (please...