Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

Did you just test positive for HIV? Look here for help on next steps, normal feelings, and finding support.

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A blue neon sign that reads "Free HIV testing".

Learn all about HIV testing: why, when, and where to get tested; types of tests – including at-home tests – and getting your results.

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Several beads with letters on them, with beads in center spelling out "Words have power".

The language we use to talk about HIV affects the well-being of people with HIV. Learn about the power of words, and less stigmatizing language for discussing HIV.

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Learn about harmful effects of stigma and discrimination and read inspiring stories of women living with HIV overcoming stigma to lead full, healthy lives.

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Why Language Matters; Facing HIV Stigma in Our Own Words is the third webinar in our WATCH! 2017 treatment advocacy webinar series!

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