living life to the fullest


I have been living with HIV for more than 12 years. Still to this day it baffles me when people try to use this as a reason to insult me. I must admit often times, more than not, I forget about it.

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I must be honest, it’s been 26 years since high school and boy it’s been hard. Essays today are nothing like essays back when I went to school. We didn’t learn pathos, logos, ethos. We didn’t need to...

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Maybe I really don’t understand how ill I am, or maybe I don’t want to. Either way, I keep reading and studying for the (nursing) state boards in a week. There are a lot of AIDS questions in the...

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At age twenty five I decided to go back to college. I enrolled to an HBCU and majored in Sociology. I loved my major and made the Dean’s list every semester. In addition to being in school full time I...

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