What is HIV

Lab technician in mask, near a microscope, looking at a flask of liquid.

Get basic information on how vaccines work and answers to many common questions about a vaccine against HIV.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

Did you just test positive for HIV? Look here for help on next steps, normal feelings, and finding support.

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A blue neon sign that reads "Free HIV testing".

Learn all about HIV testing: why, when, and where to get tested; types of tests – including at-home tests – and getting your results.

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Get the basics on HIV transmission: how HIV is and is not spread, common types of transmission, and how to avoid acquiring HIV.

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Hovering red question mark casting a shadow.

What is HIV? Get basic information on HIV, its symptoms, how it is spread, how HIV differs from AIDS, and how getting tested for HIV can help.

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