Darlene Harden-Fuller

Art Director

Darlene Harden-Fuller has designed print and web materials to promote The Well Project since 2013. Darlene founded Sweet Potato Design, a graphic design studio, in 2001 and has more than 25 years design experience in the healthcare/pharmaceutical field, with a focus on HIV and hepatitis. Her clients include medical education and non-profit firms that focus on awareness and treatment of HIV, hepatitis, ABSSSI, and muscular dystrophy; as well as cardiology, women’s health, gastroenterology, and the education rights of homeless children.

Art Director

Darlene Harden-Fuller has designed print and web materials to promote The Well Project since 2013. Darlene founded Sweet Potato Design, a graphic design studio, in 2001 and has more than 25 years design experience in the healthcare/pharmaceutical field, with a focus on HIV and hepatitis. Her clients include medical education and non-profit firms that focus on awareness and treatment of HIV, hepatitis, ABSSSI, and muscular dystrophy; as well as cardiology, women’s health, gastroenterology, and the education rights of homeless children.

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