Marissa Gonzalez

The Well Project CAB member, Marissa Gonzalez.

Marissa Gonzalez was born and raised in Paterson, New Jersey, and moved to Southwest Florida (SWFL) in 2004 where she currently resides. She is the youngest and only girl of four, is of Puerto Rican descent, and the proud mother of a fur baby named Zoey, a Chihuahua/Corgi mix.

In 2016, following an unhealthy relationship that had recently ended, Marissa received the results of her annual Pap smear and STD/STI testing. The test showed Marissa was HIV+. Due to her lack of education around HIV and internalized stigma, Marissa fell into a deep depression and ultimately attempted to take her own life. After undergoing treatment on healthy ways to cope, she struggled with the idea of going public about her status.

After about two years of soul searching, finding herself and her voice, Marissa decided she would place her HIV status on a pedestal for all to see – with one goal, to normalize the life of someone living with the condition. Since 2018 she has openly discussed her struggle with accepting the diagnosis, the journey of dating as a heterosexual woman living with HIV, relationship PTSD, and many other things that reflect a normal life while living with HIV.

Marissa is primarily known in SWFL for her role as president for The Youth Services Coalition of SWFL, where she served for three terms. Today Marissa works with different organizations within HIV to share her lived experience and advice on ways to enhance possible opportunities available to those also living with HIV. As a serial entrepreneur, she truly has a passion for working in the community. Her radiant energy allows folks to see that she truly does have a heart to serve. Her passions along with HIV include financial literacy education (budgeting, savings, credit), as well as ensuring individuals have access to affordable lawyer services for life’s most expected and unexpected moments.

Marissa wants you to know she has been a blogger for A Girl Like Me since 2019 and is honored to be a part of this community advisory board. She hopes that by using her voice to share her experiences, you will see that you are never alone.

The Well Project CAB member, Marissa Gonzalez.

Marissa Gonzalez was born and raised in Paterson, New Jersey, and moved to Southwest Florida (SWFL) in 2004 where she currently resides. She is the youngest and only girl of four, is of Puerto Rican descent, and the proud mother of a fur baby named Zoey, a Chihuahua/Corgi mix.

In 2016, following an unhealthy relationship that had recently ended, Marissa received the results of her annual Pap smear and STD/STI testing. The test showed Marissa was HIV+. Due to her lack of education around HIV and internalized stigma, Marissa fell into a deep depression and ultimately attempted to take her own life. After undergoing treatment on healthy ways to cope, she struggled with the idea of going public about her status.

After about two years of soul searching, finding herself and her voice, Marissa decided she would place her HIV status on a pedestal for all to see – with one goal, to normalize the life of someone living with the condition. Since 2018 she has openly discussed her struggle with accepting the diagnosis, the journey of dating as a heterosexual woman living with HIV, relationship PTSD, and many other things that reflect a normal life while living with HIV.

Marissa is primarily known in SWFL for her role as president for The Youth Services Coalition of SWFL, where she served for three terms. Today Marissa works with different organizations within HIV to share her lived experience and advice on ways to enhance possible opportunities available to those also living with HIV. As a serial entrepreneur, she truly has a passion for working in the community. Her radiant energy allows folks to see that she truly does have a heart to serve. Her passions along with HIV include financial literacy education (budgeting, savings, credit), as well as ensuring individuals have access to affordable lawyer services for life’s most expected and unexpected moments.

Marissa wants you to know she has been a blogger for A Girl Like Me since 2019 and is honored to be a part of this community advisory board. She hopes that by using her voice to share her experiences, you will see that you are never alone.

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