Tiffany B. Dominique, Center for AIDS Research Community Advisory Board Coordinator and Recruitment Coordinator at the University of Pennsylvania's HIV Vaccine Trials Unit. Tiffany conducts research projects focusing on HIV/AIDS addressing such topics as: the connection between HIV and IV drug use; how depression effects disease progression; and the latest one for an experimental HIV vaccine. Additionally, she actively seeks ways to ensure HIV+ women can access and receive health and social support services. Mrs. Dominique is also a Black Youth Vote organizer and spends countless hours mobilizing youth and young adults around issues of voter education and participation, environmental justice, and youth homelessness. Tiffany was raised in New Orleans, LA and although she had moved to Philadelphia 15 years ago still referred to New Orleans as home until her parents relocated to Houston following Hurricane Katrina. She has a series of poetry published by Thoughts In Black, Inc and contributed to South End Press' Anthology "What Lies Beneath".

Why Tiffany wants to be a part of A Girl Like Me's "Voices From Our Allies": I would like to contribute to "A Girl Like Me" simply because the voices of women are often marginalized and in the field of HIV my voice has become muted more and more not because I have HIV, but because I don't. So suddenly the little brown girl who conceptually understood the social justice issues of HIV at 10 is told her knowledge, passion, experience is not wanted or needed. HIV is me, a Southern girl transplanted to the Northeast married to one of the original H's of HIV.