dating, relationships


Disclosing my HIV status is usually one of the first things I do when I meet people. I mean, it's not like, "Hey, my name is Ci Ci and I have HIV!" Nah. It's more like, if I begin to see that person...

Submitted on Jan 23, 2019

I have been living with HIV for more than 12 years. Still to this day it baffles me when people try to use this as a reason to insult me. I must admit often times, more than not, I forget about it.

Submitted on Jan 14, 2019

The lights have come out all over town, in the department stores, on the city lampposts, and in homes and yards across the country. How I used to love those lights, along with everything else that made the holidays festive: annoying dinners with family, shopping in crowded stores, and watching memorized Christmas specials… but it was still special.

Submitted on Jan 4, 2019

Sooo ... While I attended college full time down South, I worked various jobs just trying to scramble enough money to pay my car note and rent. I picked up the skill of being a server pretty early on, so that was pretty consistent, but I needed more money!!!

Submitted on Jan 2, 2019

Where do I start with this year of lessons and so much pain? 2018 started ok, although I never expected it to be so so hard, and I never thought that I would ever be this strong…but I am.

Submitted on Dec 20, 2018

Every year, World AIDS Day provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the incredible advances that we have made as a community over the last three decades and to honor the advocates and activists who have changed the course of this epidemic, including those we have lost and those who continue to tirelessly move us forward.

Submitted on Nov 30, 2018

It was a normal quiet Monday night when I got the first email. It was after eleven o’clock and I was winding down for the night while watching tv, who could be emailing me I wondered, pinkfoxxphoenix?? Who the hell is this?

Submitted on Nov 13, 2018

This is a blog about our immigration nightmare and what we have been suffering in silence since 2008. Where do I start this very hard blog to write? I guess from the beginning. Many people know I was in a very loving relationship with Li for 10 years. We had normal ups and downs, but we always had each other’s backs. We respected each other, and still do, and we will forever be family.

Submitted on Oct 11, 2018

This is D.V. Awareness month right?! Well let me shed light on another ugly truth of mine. Yeah, I been there before, a couple times at the hands of both men who I beared children for. As I sit here and think of how to describe the brutal pain each physical incident caused, I’m a little lost honestly. So I’m just writing what’s in my head at this moment.

Submitted on Oct 5, 2018

A door once closed to my past has reopened into my present. I remember the day vividly when he walked back into my life, this man was more than a friend to me. He was handsome, charming, and very desirable. His flaws and imperfections were never too big for the warmth my body and heart desired. His swag was boastful, smooth and powerful. I drowned in every word he spoke. I could not wait to reveal my body behind closed doors.

Submitted on Oct 5, 2018


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