National Petition for Black Liberation

via The New York Transgender Advocacy Group and Transgender Strategy Center


The New York Transgender Advocacy Group (NYTAG), in partnership with the Transgender Strategy Center (TSC), petitions any and all national organizations invested in the liberation of Black peoples to sign this petition. Only collectively will our demands for justice be heard.

Petition link: (note: Change is experiencing server difficulties on their website; keep trying if you receive a bad gateway error)


On this day, and all days preceding and forthwith, the New York Transgender Advocacy Group (NYTAG), in partnership with our national partners, condemns the national sport of killing Black people. We have witnessed year after year, decade after decade, the ever-increasing state sanctioned killings of Black people: men, women and children. We have waited for justice to be served, only to be disappointed and reminded that Black Lives have no value in this nation and will never find true justice. Unless WE demand it! The deaths of Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Breona Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony Mcdade and George Floyd amongst others, must not be in vain. NYTAG condemns and demands Justice for the systematic murders of Black lives we have lost simply for walking while being Black throughout this nation.

We demand that all Black lives--transgender and cisgender alike--be respected and honored.

We demand that this nation start to invest in Black lives through an equitable lens.

We Demand for all civilian review boards to be required to have Black citizens as core members.

We demand for Black Communities to be protected from gentrification, which is the leading cause of the over-policing of Black citizens.

We Demand that economic development programs be prioritized in Black communities.

We demand that “No Knock” policies be abolished nationally.

We ask for the prioritization of national Black media stations, and increased programming for after-youth programs. Because the issue of policing Black communities is national, which often leads to Black lives being taken for simply being Black, we call for the United Nations to condemn the United States of America for systemic genocide.

We will not rest until the Black Agenda is prioritized, and Universal Basic Income is recognized as a way forward, in the new world we are entering into.

Kiara St. James, Executive Director, NYTAG,; Aryah Lester, Deputy Director, TSC,

Call to Action!




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