11 by the Numbers


Bridgette Picou.

It is September 25th, 2023. This day marks my 11th year of knowing that I'm living with HIV. Eleven years is a long time. Time is one of those things that seems to be dragging and suddenly you look up and wonder where the time went. I think last year when I hit the 10-year mark and my body and I turned 50, I was reflective of my relationship with HIV. The emotional places and spaces it has taken me. The lessons about myself and other people that I've learned. The weight and worth of my life with HIV. It's challenging sometimes to balance between life with HIV and "real" life, lol. Which in and of itself is an interesting concept. All life is real life, but I try to keep the balance between working and thinking about HIV and enjoying life outside its reach and shadow. This year has me thinking about numbers. Continue reading...

A Girl Like Me




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