Quality of Life and HIV


María Natalia Sáenz Agudelo.

According to the WHO, quality of life is: "[...] the perception that a person has about their position in life within the cultural context and the value system in which they live and with respect to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. It is a wide-ranging concept that is crossed in a complex way by the physical health of the person, their physiological state, the level of independence, their social relationships and the relationship they have with their environment. (WHO, 2002).

Objective, subjective and social aspects are part of and have an important influence on our quality of life and this issue has been gaining more strength by being added as a fourth point within the 95-95-95 strategy. These are conjunctural moments that we must take advantage of because issues that we have raised and considered relevant throughout our process as women living with HIV are gaining strength and are put on the table. Continue reading...

A Girl Like Me




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