Somebody Like Me


Awwwww shit.

Here comes the uncomfortable feelings.

The ones that come when I don't have a man by my side.

I'm going to try to explain what I'm feeling, which is hard because I don't really believe half of this mess.

I feel good, for the most part.

I feel free.

Like, I've been sleeping with clean laundry on the other side of the king bed for days now.

Cus it ain't nobody to come in here and move it somewhere else – more than likely to the pile of dirty clothes and then I would have to start all the way back over with separating the stuff back out.

Free as in I can take whatever phone call I need to at whatever time of the night, cus I ain't got nobody clockin my night and weekend minutes.

Free like, open season free.

And that's the part I don't like.

To read this blog in its entirety, click here.

A Girl Like Me



Submitted by Uzima 6

Hey Cici I love your blogs. There are sites for us now . And yes feelings do pass. Please don't give up on finding love. It will happen one day. Check out P.S. .com .

Submitted by Uzima 6

Hey Cici I love your blogs. There are sites for us now . And yes feelings do pass. Please don't give up on finding love. It will happen one day. Check out P.S. .com .

Submitted by Ci Ci

I appreciate that! Thank you for reading! I don’t know why but I kinda don’t want to narrow my dating prospects by their status. Have you ever dated a man who was positive?


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