
Hello lovely ladies. Over the last several days I have read numerous posts in this site and I have to say that you all are an amazing inspiration! Before I read these posts I was really at the end of my rope but you all give me so much hope and a sense of comfort. I am in this site because I am 85% sure I am positive but I have been so mortified that I have not gotten tested yet. I know I need to. I'm a single mom and have not dated in about 5 years after a bad relationship. I was also not intimate with anyone except for a mistake last March. I was very stressed at work, went to a happy hour, had too much to drink and ended up sleeping with a man I just met! Please don't judge. After that I have had weird symptoms that I looked up which could be hiv symptoms. I've lost a lot of weight, no appetite, had a yeast infection in my ear. I'm always tired. I'm posting as I'm hoping to get some support to get tested and find out where to turn if I am indeed positive. Thank you so much for listening! Much love.





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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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