Self AcceptanceIn the...

Self Acceptance

In the beginning of my journey with my partner ( my illness) 30 yrs ago . I didn't understand the gift I had been given. I try all I could do to hurt myself. But in 2011 after countless hospitals and two stints in the psych ward for different reasons . I had the opportunity to finally tell my story. Which relived some of the shame , remorse, guilt of my past mistakes. As I had to remember it . I had not been groomed for what happened to me . I was giving a diagnosis and told to wait to die. God had other plans for my life. So after the book came out I continued to self destruct. Till 2014 and wonderful doctor asked me do I want help ? I said yes and she asked me what my main concern with the medicine it was the pills were to big. So she gave smaller pills and I started to live but it didn't stop there .I started writing in a journal over the last few years. And that where I had my aha! Moment That my ( my illness) was my partner so we got married. I started to celebrate my new found gift for life . With my partner and respecting it and love it and taking care of it . Which lead me to fully to Self Acceptance of my illness .





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