
Multiple images of bloggers and the term U=U, on top of representation of the world.

In honor of World AIDS Day 2017, The Well Project reflects on positive news from the year –stories of resilience, love, and determination.

Poster: Looking Beyond Viral Suppression: Findings from The Well Project's 2016 User Survey...

The Well Project was thrilled to present our poster, which described findings from our 2016 User Survey Report, at IAS 2017 in Paris in July 2017.

Panelists at conference, sitting at a table in front of sign that reads "I A S 2017".

From July 23-26, 2017, more than 6,000 scientists, researchers, clinicians, and community members from more than 40 countries came together for the 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science in Paris, France.

Poster: Leveraging Web-based Technologies to Improve the Health, Well-being, and Quality of Life...

The Well Project was honored to present our poster at the International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence in NYC in June 2017.

Tiommi Luckett, Kiara St. James, and Octavia Lewis at Women as the Face of AIDS Summit.

The Well Project was proud to be a community sponsor of the Women as the Face of AIDS Summit in May 2017 and honored to co-present two sessions.

Several A Girl Like Me bloggers at a conference.

Bose Oladayo learned she was HIV positive more than a decade ago. Back then, Oladayo didn't know much about the disease, but the stories she heard painted a grim picture of her future.

Brightly colored letters that read "Spread the word, U=U: Undetectable Equals Untransmittable".

The Well Project, the premier online resource for women and HIV, is proud to endorse the Consensus Statement* by the Prevention Access Campaign that "Undetectable Equals Untransmittable" (U=U).

The Well Project announces the launch of Your Voice Counts: The Well Project 2016 User Survey Report, an analysis of the organization's reach and impact on women living with HIV.

Aerial view: attendees seated at 2016 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections -CROI.

From February 22 to February 26, 2016, approximately 4,000 scientists, clinicians, and HIV advocates from 96 countries gathered in Boston for the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).

Graphics illustrating report findings with the word #impact.

Did you know that in the last eight years, social media usage has skyrocketed from 8 percent to 73 percent of all Internet users, and that more than 70% of internet users in the US said they looked online for health information in the past year (Pew Research Center)? Why are these facts and figures important? Because they demonstrate that The Well Project, which has used technology as a platform to disseminate information and build community and advocacy since 2002, is more relevant and necessary than ever.


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Porchia Dees, standing with palms together, in front of painting of wings on wall by Keenan Chapman.
Featured Content:

The Well Project interviews Porchia Dees, Community Advisory Board member and A Girl Like Me blogger, for our "Spotlight: Women Making a Difference" series.

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