HIV abuse


When I first saw the light, I quickly learned that parents are not given a manual on "parenting skills", but were walking around with their own past generation's values and behaviors.

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Seven years ago today I met the man that would become both the best and worst memories, and love, I have known to date.

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As a young girl growing up, my life began with the "normalcy" of being sexually molested by my step-dad, waking to the sounds of seeing him beat my mom

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In response to Walking the Thin Black Line of Violence in the Lives of HIV+ Women by Loren Jones, Board Member, Positive Women’s Network-USA I was thinking the same thing when I read about a Day of...

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First, I'm going to start by telling you the story of a young woman who had no strength, no self-confidence and no dignity. The story of this young woman is my own and it's a story I've only ever...

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(Note to readers: The following blog contains some details of sexual and physical abuse.) I went to visit my mother a few weekends ago to check up on her and to just hang out. A few minutes into the visit, my father handed me an old passport and my kindergarten report card from overseas.

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This is the physical transformation I had. First pic I was a little girl that felt loved and cared for by her mother…At the same time this little girl was getting molested by her uncle and grew up...

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"What kind of a mother are you," screamed a lady, "who can't even take care of a baby...sleeping all the time...kaamchor (lazy asshole)...keeping a babysitter, cook and can't even handle...

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