Michelle Anderson


Aprenda acerca de los efectos nocivos del estigma y la discriminación y lea historias inspiradoras de mujeres viviendo con VIH que superan el estigma para llevar vidas plenas y saludables.

Submitted on: Jun 26, 2023

Learn about harmful effects of stigma and discrimination and read inspiring stories of women living with HIV overcoming stigma to lead full, healthy lives.

Submitted on: Jun 26, 2023
Michelle Anderson.

The Well Project interviews Michelle Anderson, Community Advisory Board member and A Girl Like Me blogger, for our "Spotlight: Women Making a Difference" series.

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2022

I remember when I was first diagnosed. I was court ordered to go to rehab. It was either that or face jail time. I didn’t want to be there and just wanted to do my nine months, graduate and leave. I...

Submitted on: Dec 5, 2012

On September 7, 2012, my life changed forever upon hearing the loss of a fellow sister in the struggle, Cicely Bolden. I was devastated by the crime and questioned my own thoughts about disclosure and...

Submitted on: Sep 25, 2012

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