sex HIV

Sexy underwear hanging on a line with clothespins.

Does HIV make it hard for you to feel sexy or be intimate? Get some tips about how to boost your sex-esteem and put the pleasure back in sex!

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Green heart with a plus sign inside it next to a red heart with a minus mark inside it.

People living with HIV can have loving relationships and great sex with HIV-negative partners. Learn more about dating, intimacy, and long-term partnerships.

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Dating can be tricky for women living with HIV. Whom do you tell and when? Get tips on meeting people, dating, disclosing, and more.

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I remember attending USCHA in 2016 and feeling out of place, unsure of my next moves, and feeling defeated in all aspects of my life. I remember being ready to give up and walk away from HIV work FOREVER (please insert Cardi B voice) because I just didn't think I had anything left to offer.

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To live with HIV is to live differently. Although many believe that one can lead a "normal" life being in treatment.

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