My PWN Journey

Submitted on May 2, 2018 by  IeshiaDKScott


A group of women

When I think of PWN, my first thought is SISTERHOOD. We are banded together, in a fight that makes us all equal. We love, and sometimes, fight, like sisters. The true act of sisterhood, is being able to come together, with the intention of love.

Arriving at PWN, I observed the lobby filled with women who looked just like me. All excited, and eager to experience a week of sisterhood, fellowship, and education. We ate, we had a few drinks and we became acquainted with one another. Some women reconnecting, others creating new networks, and bonds. This weekend started with promise, and opportunity that made you anxious for each day to come.

Over the course of the weekend, I believe we all stole a moment to enjoy the scenery, a new city (for some), and a good time with our sisters we probably won’t see until the next summit.

PWN had a moment for a personal learning experience for many women. Many of the women at PWN were new to the Summit, and don’t share the same experiences, or backgrounds. There was a brief moment of the breaking down of barriers, where women wanted to understand and learn how to exist with their sisters in the struggle. Passion filled the space, which fueled discussions for change and education. Where there is passion, feelings are present, and sometimes there is a combustion of energy. In some spaces, this is needed, useful, to change the course and allow for understanding that was never imagined.

My experience at PWN this year was filled with growth and knowledge. Learning how I can be a better help to my sisters, and a voice for many of us who are silenced and are not always provided a seat at the table. Realizing, and truly bringing understanding to my own lack of insensitivity. I believe, if you missed PWN, you truly missed a memorable weekend.

I enjoyed the sessions, and presenting my own topic on social media and advocacy. I missed the youth institute, because I didn’t truly get to bond with women my age. I would’ve loved to have moments connecting, releasing and renewing, as I did at 2016 PWN. I understand the intent of the summit, which is policy and reform. So, I realize that this may not have been the space for healing and bonding. But, there were activities that brought us all together for fun and laughter, which was a nice touch.

I reflect over the weekend constantly, hoping that other women took the opportunity to grow and learn in topics they previously had no understanding. This year’s summit was one to remember, I pray we all have taken away something useful.

With love, 

Ieshia Scott

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

It was amazing seeing you in the summit ! Very proud of the woman that you are !

Love and light


Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

It was amazing seeing you in the summit ! Very proud of the woman that you are !

Love and light


Submitted by Lovinglife101


A wonderful blog and it is always a pleasure seeing you.  Keep doing what you do.  You are an amazing advocate and I know you will continue to do great things.



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