Sian's blog


A door once closed to my past has reopened into my present. I remember the day vividly when he walked back into my life, this man was more than a friend to me. He was handsome, charming, and very desirable. His flaws and imperfections were never too big for the warmth my body and heart desired. His swag was boastful, smooth and powerful. I drowned in every word he spoke. I could not wait to reveal my body behind closed doors.

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Days turn into months, months into a year, year into years of public humiliation. How could you? How could you open your mouth to say these things? Who gave you authority? Why me? These are just some...

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My name is Sian Green and I was diagnosed six years ago with HIV. I have two children who I love very unconditionally, and I am from New Orleans, LA. Becoming an HIV/AIDS activist was not second...

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