Intro - Carefree Soul

Hello, I am "Carefree soul," residing in Maharashtra in a city called Nagpur. I am a girl working in the medical fraternity, living and loving a simple life, aiming high. I belong to a middle class family with high aspirations. I am a helping soul. I believe that every person has their own story. Hence, we should better know their stories before making any judgment.

Why Carefree Soul wants to be part of A Girl Like Me's "Voices From Our Allies": I want to be a part of Voices From Our Allies in order to share my story and at the same time talk on this subject to create awareness among people and to work to eliminate the stigma and discrimination that exist in our society.

A Girl Like Me was created so that cis and trans women living with HIV could have a safe space to share their unique experiences. However, we know that The Well Project community extends far beyond women living with HIV, including allies, family and friends, others who are living with HIV who don’t identify as women, healthcare providers, and more. Voices from our Allies is a page created to hear from our extended community who are interested in posting their experiences as it relates to women and HIV. If you are interested in blogging with us, click here.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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