HIV discrimination

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I am very proud to be delivering a workshop at AIDS 2024, the International AIDS Conference in Munich, about mindfulness, stress reduction and emotional balance. If you're going to the conference, pop by and say hello.

Submitted on: Jul 11, 2024
Logo for A Girl Like Me LIVE, a program of The Well Project with silhouette of 5 women and 3 stars.

Check out The Well Project's A Girl Like Me LIVE!, an interactive, livestreaming series created to advance health and wellness education among women living with and vulnerable to HIV.

Submitted on: Jun 27, 2024
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I have been visiting Japan and Korea over the past 5 weeks. That is why you haven't heard from me. I would like to share my learning from those two countries.

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2024
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I understand mental health is a big issue in today's society, but what happens when the mental health of the provider is at stake here. What should we do?

Submitted on: May 29, 2024
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Becoming a nurse taught me how to live with HIV.

Submitted on: May 8, 2024
Judicial gavel and red ribbon on a white background.

No one should be punished for having a health condition. Learn more about laws that treat HIV as a crime, and what they mean for women.

Submitted on: Apr 4, 2024
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Stigma is deadlier than the disease itself, and the top driver of HIV stigma, in my opinion, is the church.

Submitted on: Feb 2, 2024
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The reality of us, in the realm of HIV/AIDS funding, is a disconcerting trend has emerged— a quiet exodus of funders who seem to be turning a blind eye to the critical issues faced by trans-led and Latinx groups from funders and projects.

Submitted on: Jan 11, 2024
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Having navigated the challenges of living with HIV, I've experienced firsthand the stigma and misconceptions surrounding this virus.

Submitted on: Dec 21, 2023
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Hello my lovely people, Today we are celebrating World AIDS Day. Being part of the HIV community I try to contribute in as many ways as possible to fight HIV stigma and discrimination. So as HIV...

Submitted on: Dec 8, 2023

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