Fact Sheets A-Z

Pregnant belly with hands cradling it.

Get resources for safer conception and information on options for trying to get pregnant with little to no risk of transmitting HIV.

Submitted on Sep 11, 2023
A couple, smiling, looking at the results of a home pregnancy test.

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive. If you are a man living with HIV and your partner is an HIV-negative woman, this fact sheet can help you understand what might be best for you.

Submitted on May 7, 2024
Man smiling at the park with two children on a see-saw.

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive. If you are a man living with HIV who is either single or in a same-sex relationship, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you.

Submitted on May 7, 2024
Woman sitting down talking with her healthcare provider.

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive. If you are a woman living with HIV who is either single or in a same-sex relationship, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you.

Submitted on May 7, 2024
Couple sitting on kitchen floor high-fiving.

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive. The information in this fact sheet can help you weigh the risks and benefits of each option and understand what might be best for you.

Submitted on May 7, 2024
A smiling couple sitting with a healthcare provider.

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on HIV while trying to conceive. If you are a woman living with HIV with an HIV-negative male partner, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you.

Submitted on May 7, 2024
Couple sitting on kitchen floor high-fiving.

There are several different options for reducing the chances of passing on a different strain of HIV while trying to conceive. If you are a woman living with HIV and a man living with HIV, the options below can help you understand what might be best for you.

Submitted on May 7, 2024
Sexy underwear hanging on a line with clothespins.

Does HIV make it hard for you to feel sexy or be intimate? Get some tips about how to boost your sex-esteem and put the pleasure back in sex!

Submitted on Feb 9, 2023
3D illustration of the bacterium responsible for the sexually transmitted infection Gonorrhea.

Get fast facts about gonorrhea, a common sexually transmitted infection.

Submitted on Jan 8, 2024
Illustration of silhouette of woman with colorful hair, shapes, leaves and butterflies around her.

Learn about GYN care, what to expect with breast and pelvic exams, questions to ask your provider, and more.

Submitted on Feb 20, 2024


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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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