Hi! I am new to this site...

Hi! I am new to this site and am not very computer literate.
I am a 58 year old woman who has been HIV+ for 21 years. I have accelerated aging and am a mess physically. I am from CT and I do not know 1 HIV+ woman. I am overwhelmed and afraid as I continue to spiral health wise. Anyway I wonder if other women are having the same issue. Thank you!

HIV & Aging



Submitted by tj30trust

Hello @SMColdice. I'm Tiommi. First I want to say it is an honor to meet you. You will soon get to see that we are not alone here. We are connected. If you ever wan to reach out, please feel free. My name is Tiommi. I understand you don't know any other women living with HIV, so it is a good guess that you don't know any transgender women living with HIV either. Well, today you do. I am a blogger for A Girl Like Me. You can see my profile here on The Well Project's website. I am also a CAB member of TWP and communications coordinator. I hope you will reach out when you want someone to listen. I know we come from different worlds but we are all in this fight to end HIV together. Please just know that you are not alone. We are a family here and I want you to feel welcome. Peace and Blessings, Love and Light!!

Submitted by katie06

welcome to The Well Project and you are definitely not alone. I know HIV can make us feel isolated and scared. But, you are not alone in this fight. We are all in this together. 

I think as we age with HIV, we tend to wonder whether each new ailment is HIV or age related. It seems scary. But luckily, we've come so far in science today! 

Hugs to you! We got this! 

Submitted by Lovinglife101

Hello SMColdice,

Welcome to the website and the group!  I am 50 years old and have been living with HIV 30 years.  This is a wonderful webite and supportive environment so I hope you are able to meet other women, as there are many of us who have been around awhile.  I wish you the best and hope we talk again soon.  Keep coming back as there is always new information and new people to connect with.

I wish you the best.


Submitted by SMColdice

Well I just spent an hour writing a response to each of you.  I went to preview it and saw a couple typos and I hit back to mail and lost my whole letter. 

 I want to thank you TIommi.  I know many trans man and trans women although non-positive. 

Katie06  thank you also for writing me.   You are absolutely right every time something happens to me I think it's related. 

Lovinglife101  you are an inspiration. I plan on staying on this site and learning more. It is my goal to become more involved. 

 I will write more at a later date as I've run out of time and have to get going. Thank you all so much again for making me feel welcome. It means the world to me! 



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