I feel truly blessed to have made it this far. The start of this year was a very hard year. I lost some friends that I hope to see in the light when my mission is complete, but I am...
Women Long Term Survivors
- 24 members
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A place where we can share our experiences and effects of being a long term survivor.
only those that lived in those times Pre-HAART can understand what we have been through! We were the Guinea pigs for the medication that we have now. we come from an era where we had nothing but each other. Many of us are living in isolation, we have PTSD,Depression and Anxiety! WE ARE THE FORGOTTEN ONES! we are still here and alive. #Longtermsurvirosmatter
Many can learn from our experience ! we have a fountain of information.
love and light
Maria Mejia
United States

The Well Project is thrilled to co-sponsor this series of webinars discussing needs and concerns specific to people who have lived with HIV for many years around the research towards a cure for HIV. The series will be held on various Tuesdays from May to November 2023.

Creating this long-term survivor group many years ago was important for me and never knew how much activity it had! I must continue coming to the website more often. Love and Light

I want to thank everyone that has shared their experience ! Women matter and have been a crucial part of this fight and always will be! Much love and light to all Maria HIV Mejía

Hey all, I just realised that I have been looking for answers in all the wrong places. Making my life harder by not accepting what is, wishing for something else. But now I have come to some kind of sense...

Hi I am currently on Viramune and Descovy. I have had Viramune since 1999, Descovy since 2018. I had a talk with my doctor about new meds. She suggested Juluca. Or if I switch back to Kivexa and Viramune. Does...

Hi all I´m Kat. I was diagnosed in january 1990, age 16. I live in Sweden. I hardly remember the 90s , it was a really difficult time for me. The chock of testing positive was big. I had no...

Haven't posted in while I have been going through motions these last past months. Doing my job as a Advocate/Peer in my job. Trying to smile through this mess but inside screaming help Im drowning . I lived with HIV...

I am feeling the effects of poverty and isolation. I keep trying to pick myself up, but after years of doing this, I find it harder and harder to find that happy place. I suppose the constant worry and stress...

"'She really is somebody to everyone,' commented Brown’s daughter, Jamanii Brown. 'Being around all the people she’s impacted and hearing story after story after story, it’s overwhelming — but it’s a good overwhelming.' Now nearly 25 and working in the...