The Well Project User Survey Report 2014

Submitted on Dec 17, 2015

Did you know that in the last eight years, social media usage has skyrocketed from 8 percent to 73 percent of all Internet users, and that more than 70% of internet users in the US said they looked online for health information in the past year (Pew Research Center)? Why are these facts and figures important? Because they demonstrate that The Well Project, which has used technology as a platform to disseminate information and build community and advocacy since 2002, is more relevant and necessary than ever. And it is our commitment to ensure our resources are not only accurate and culturally competent, but also having a real impact on those who access them.

58.1% of participants reported that since beginning to use The Well Project's resources, they were more likely to feel more hopeful and positive about the future.

User surveys are a vital tool that allow us to understand how our resources and services are experienced, integrated and applied by those who use them. We rely on these surveys to ensure that we are maximizing The Well Project's effectiveness and continuously strengthening our programs' impact. In 2014 we conducted the largest outcomes measurement survey on The Well Project programming in our history. This survey collected demographic information and measured the use and impact of The Well Project's online resources on health-seeking behaviors and quality-of-life indicators, and was designed by The Well Project team, Community Advisory Board, and several advisors.





There is a widespread belief among women living with HIV that using The Well Project's resources has positively influenced their self-care behaviors, communication and engagement with healthcare providers and quality of life in significant ways.

We are pleased to provide you with this survey report, which analyzes the findings from our 2014 online survey. Questions in this survey focused on participants' experiences using The Well Project's online HIV information resources, social networking links and blog features. Survey participants were asked to evaluate the quality and usability of the various components of each of these features, to describe the impact of those online resources on their health behaviors and quality of life, and to provide recommendations to further develop those and other resources. It is our goal to use this survey to even better position ourselves to help women and girls improve their quality of life, move along the HIV continuum of care appropriately, and maximize their health outcomes.

Download The Well Project User Survey Report 2014 (PDF)

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