HIV advocacy


Well, well, well. Where the hell do I start??? I am going to try to be as nice and sweet as possible! I had to give myself a day to write this. It started as another thing I posted on my facebook HIV...

Submitted on: Mar 9, 2011

"The oldest and strongest emtion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." After reading Maria's blog, a flood of memories came to my mind. I remember...

Submitted on: Feb 15, 2011

So yeah! I was looking forward to a nice relaxing day! Away from everything...just a place where they could pamper me...release some stress. YES! The beauty salon...yay...getting my hair done, my...

Submitted on: Feb 14, 2011

I am ready to show my face for many reasons! After the cycles that we go through with HIV/AIDS...the denial, realizing I was not dying after all...came the shame and hiding. I also started with the...

Submitted on: Jan 26, 2011

Yes, many may think there is nothing positive in being positive...but as I have always been taught, and believe, even from something bad or tragic, we can find something good, something to learn from...

Submitted on: Dec 16, 2010

I have young daughters – ages 6 and 8. So, I no longer have the luxury of simply brushing by them with my red ribbon and saying, “It’s World AIDS Day. This year the theme is Universal Access and Human...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2010

I often read the blogs where women have found empowerment by revealing their status and becoming involved as AIDS activists. I admire all of you who are so honest. The mere thought of sharing mine...

Submitted on: Nov 17, 2010

When I was diagnosed HIV positive, I didn’t know who to tell or how to tell. After disclosing to my immediate family and friends it felt like weight had been lifted off of me and I realized that...

Submitted on: Nov 11, 2010

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":null,"attributes":{"class":"media-image size-medium wp-image-359 alignleft","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"300","height":"224","title"...

Submitted on: Oct 25, 2010

For some reason, every time I sit down to write my blog over the last couple weeks, I get very upset, emotionally and physically. I literally begin to feel sick to my stomach. My mind races of...

Submitted on: Oct 11, 2010

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