HIV wellness

Woman holding an absorbent cotton to her arm after vaccination in a waiting room with other people seated in the background.

The COVID-19 pandemic had particular impacts on women and communities affected by HIV. Learn more about the early months of this global public health crisis – and where we are now.

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In this chat I talk to Yvonne about HIV medication and the meaning of wellness. When I first got diagnosed, I had to navigate my way around what wellness actually meant. Once I established a routine...

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I started Aunty Lou's Hour to: (a) support people living with HIV who feel lonely; and (b) do what I can to reduce stigma associated with HIV.

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My lovely people, January is my favourite month. Not only because it is the beginning of a New year where we can start afresh, we also still have the whole year ahead to work on whatever we set our mind to.

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Can we just talk about The Well Project for a moment?

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We hope this note finds you safe and healthy, amidst the extraordinary circumstances that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on us all. We wanted to reach out with a few updates on what we’re doing to...

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