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Counting my blessings

Submitted on Dec 26, 2012 by  dasassidiva

The year is almost over and for me, this time of the year means I reflect on the year I had and a few highlights for me is, of course, attending the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C. It was the most exciting event to take place in my life.

Another highlight is that next year I'll be a senior. I just got my results and I'm proud to say that I will be doing my 3rd year next year. I still think about my diagnosis...I was only on my 1st year with no prospects of continuing with my studies...that was the point in my life I dreaded everything, including my survival ironically. I thought since I have HIV my grades will drop and my brain will stop functioning so let me drop out...silly I know but I had hit bottom low.

My life with HIV has not been easy but it has been full of blessings and I'm glad things are turning out the way I planned...I'm stronger than ever and have learned to take life one day at a time...

Submitted by Thando

Hope your doing well babe...just checking in on all my beatiful DIVAS. I've been out of touch for a good while...all the best for exams and the rest of your final year...

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