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Doctors Take A Long Shot And Inject HIV Into Dying Girl. The Reason Why Will Amaze You.

Submitted on Jun 24, 2013 by  MariaHIVMejia


Maria new1

I can't believe I just watched a team of real doctors inject a 6-year-old girl with a deadly disease... and smile. Who knew something called a "serial killer" cell could bring so much unforgettable joy and happiness?

-- Ray Flores, Upworthy

Isn't it AMAZING that a little girl who was sentenced to death had the HIV virus injected in her and she is now healthy and alive? :D I know the cure for some cancers and HIV is coming...I feel it and I am crying tears of Joy for her and for myself and millions around the world. ♥Isn't it ironic that a disease that has been stigmatized--so much ignorance around the HIV virus and so, so much discrimination--is actually saving lives and who knows how many with cancer such as this little angel will be saved? The once ostracized HIV patients like myself and what some called as 'the ones CURSED by GOD' will help others with cancer? so good to finally be talked about in a loving and positive way! Imagine that!!! HIV PATIENTS SAVING CANCER PATIENTS THAT HAVE NO HOPE! ♥ Hope and faith is something I will never lose...

and you should never lose it as well ♥


Love and Light

Maria T Mejia♥ — feeling happy.

(6.28.13 - Note from the Editor: A previous version of this blog did not attribute the opening two sentences to the original author. We apologize for the error.)

Submitted by Free

Where can more information be found on injecting the girl with HIV?????? When you put out information please remember the more facts the better or where to find more information on the topic, thanks got all you do keeping us informed . Thank You, Free

Submitted by jae001

That is AWESOME! Who would think HIV could be useful to anyone... Not me!

Submitted by Free

wow this is amazing I'm with Jae I would have never thought of this being useful to anyone.But God is so good.Thank you Maria..<3

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

yes Shell God is good <3 this is awesome and I am so happy for that little angel :)

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