Intro - Martha E. Lang

Submitted on May 2, 2014 by  Martha E Lang

Martha E. Lang is an educator, researcher, activist and long term survivor of HIV/AIDS. She holds a Ph.D. in Medical Sociology. She has taught and spoken widely on issues related to HIV/AIDS including her personal experience of living with the virus, the history of the pandemic, harm reduction, public health policy, individual and collective methods for addressing stigma and how intersectional drivers such as gender, class, race, nationality, sexual orientation and gender identity shape local, national and global epidemics/pandemics. She is currently writing a book that addresses the history of the pandemic and its current challenges through the lens of her experience as a teacher, researcher and woman living with HIV/AIDS.

Martha has also taught, published, and presented on other health topics including gender and racially based health disparities, sexual orientation, gender identity and health care accessibility, mental health, disability and health social movements.

Martha was diagnosed with AIDS in 2001 and spent many years working to regain her health through a combination of good medical care, diet, exercise, meditation, prayer, support from family and friends and complementary alternative medicine. She lives in Massachusetts with her supportive wife, Lisa and her spoiled cats Lily and Morris. When not writing and thinking about HIV/AIDS, she enjoys teaching, hiking, singing, cooking, swimming, eating chocolate, reading good poetry and watching bad television. Martha is an active member of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and during her waking hours wears a Quaker bonnet as a testimony of her faith.

Why Martha would like to be a part of A Girl Like Me: I would like to contribute to A Girl Like Me for several reasons. Although over half of the people living with HIV/AIDS globally are girls and women, our experiences are often absent from public and scientific dialogue of the pandemic: I believe that each time we share our truth we also ensure our voice is heard in these conversations. In addition, living with this virus for most of my adult life has taught me a great deal about self-care: I would like to share what I have learned with other women and in turn learn from them. Finally, when I received my diagnosis of AIDS I also received a calling to speak, write and teach about HIV/AIDS: Blogging for A Girl Like Me is one way I can remain faithful to that calling.

Submitted by Martha Lang

Thank you, free! I am glad to take part in AGLM.

Submitted by Martha Lang

Helena, thank you for your words of encouragement. I am looking forward to learning more about your activism in Namibia.

Submitted by Martha Lang

Welcome Martha, I know you will be a voice much needed, thank you for joining us.

Submitted by Martha Lang

Martha, I am so glad to have an opportunity to get to know you a little bit better. You have a wealth of knowledge, and I am grateful that you are so generous in sharing it.

Submitted by Martha Lang

Thank you, Sita Laura for your kind words. I do think that one of the responsibilities of having knowledge is to share it. Thanks for letting me share ;)

Submitted by Martha Lang

Bah'Dori, I am profoundly grateful for the connection we made at We Are 1 and our continued connection. I will continue to share until this work is complete!

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

My sweet and wonderful Martha <3 I am so happy to have us join our family! LOVE YOU!!!


Submitted by Martha Lang

Thank you Maria for your love, kindness and inspiration and for introducing my to The Well Project! Love and Peace, Martha

Submitted by Martha Lang

I am blessed to have our paths cross. You are an amazing woman and an inspiration to all of us. Good luck with your book; I always thought the history of HIV/AIDS should also be written from a women's perspective. I am grateful to get to know you a little better.


Submitted by Martha Lang

Vickie, I feel equally blessed for our crossed paths.I am glad that we will be there to support each other through our very big, very long, writing projects :)

Submitted by Martha Lang

You are truly an Amazing human being and I am so grateful to be connected to your energy. I know and believe we are all here to teach as well as to learn about our humanly divine existence to enrich one another's lives. Thank you for sharing your love, energy and especially your story. I am forever grateful and see clearly why we have and endure the more of God. Be Blessed.

Submitted by Helenanangombe

dear Martha you are really any amazing women and a good example to many of us,, i am happy i am part of a girl like me

Martha E Lang 's recent blog posts


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